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Lift your lamp beside the golden door, Break not the golden rule, avoid well the golden calf, know; not all that glitters is gold, and laissez faire et laissez passer [let do and let pass] but as a shining sentinel, hesitate not to ring the bell, defend the gates, and man the wall

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CL Jackson's Badge of Merit Acceptance Speech [Faith]

Pastor Charles Lewis Jackson's Acceptance Speech for the Restoring Honor Rally's Badge of Merit (Faith) 8-28-10

To this most magnificent audience, that God brought us here, through this bright young man, I call him, servent of God, son of God, [we are all God's children] Glenn Beck. And not only him but David Barton and all of you. Some forty eight years ago right over here beyond the fence I stood as a young man who was led hear by God and Martin Luther King. Stood right over there. My first trip here, to Washington, to the first trip on a bus to go through Mississippi, which they dared us to come because they promised us they would blow the bus up and we came and serve and i was sent to [the] sermon Dr. Martin Luther King preach "I Have A Dream"


thank you but let me say this and I'll get outta your hair


Us, God sent his son to this earth so that we could all gather, and I think that's the dream and the vision of Glenn Beck and you would have to wonder what was the audience participation, what would they give back? I saw him Glenn Beck eyes full of tears as he said what they have given for all of this to happen. So what would Jesus if he stood here right now, what would be expected of this great audience? And when you study you gonna see where there were three women in the ministry of Jesus Christ now you know there was many, very many, many men, many children, but there were three classical women that stood out in his ministry, just like you stand out in the ministry of Dr. Glenn Beck.

[Mark 12:41-44 'The Widow Mites'] [Luke 21:1-4 The Widow's Offering]

One of those women came and gave two mites. She said, she gave all she had, which was two mites, we call them in the bible the Widdow Mites. She gave them as a gift when Jesus gave the offering. She gave all she had and it was so powerful until Jesus stopped the offering and said this woman will be remembered because her name is written down in the lamb's book of life. And I came to tell you didn't come for nothing you came to give your gift which would be a gift of yourself.

[John 12:1-10 Jesus Anointed at Bethany]

But there was another great woman, this woman gave the best she had which was a box of anointment, she anointed Jesus's feet, can you imagine, this woman went down and got at his feet, she didn't anoint his head, didn't anoint his hands, didn't anoint his bod-but the, what-The feet. and took her long silk hair, wiped the feet clean and kissed his feet clean with her antiseptic mouth what a great gift, and Jesus said this shall be remembered, because she gave him a resurrection before he even died.

You can do the same you can pray, give the best you have for a young man named Glenn Beck and thirdly and I close I'm gonna walk back.

[from  audience - *no, don't go*]

[Mark 7:24-30 The Faith of a Syrophoenician Woman]

There was another woman just like you just like you just like you, she was not Jewish, she was Greek she was like you and I she was not supposed to be in the crowd but she came, she followed Jesus on behalf of her daughter who had an unclean spirit didn't have no money but God's son Jesus Christ said he had not seen that kind of faith in her, as he had seen in the Israelites [meaning he had not seen faith as strong as hers in the Israelites] and do you know what when she got to Jesus even the disciples told her she was not included and when she spoke to Jesus in a begging voice he ignored her he would not say a word, and then when Jesus spoke he said should I take the bread from the table of the children and give it to a dog? she did not get upset she did not panic. She said your right but even the dog is due crumbs.

There's somebody here living on crumbs I looked at my man his hands, there are people coming from Iraq and all around, from Afghanistan on different legs, but I think they can give a crumb, they can give all they have, she said but feed the dog, underneath the table.

And I close, I wanna thank Glenn Beck for giving a person of mine, of me, that don't deserve to be here, I quit school in the tenth grade but God never let me stop I have a Bachelor Degree, I have a PHD, and then I have a Doctorate of Law, because God would not let me stop. He fed me underneath the table.
And I met a man I met a man this morning I sat down for breakfast his name is Joe, Joe McMillan[?] and he told me how God blessed him so and all he wanted to do, to see all the children- He said he went to a town and took a company that had been bankrupt, he took that company and gave 300 and some people a job. Feeding a person with a dog's appetite beneath the table. Thank you for letting me come and thank you for this reward that I do not, [an] honor, I do not, I don't deserve, is, that's what I'm saying but
I'll honor it to my dying day, thank you, thank you, thank you.


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