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Lift your lamp beside the golden door, Break not the golden rule, avoid well the golden calf, know; not all that glitters is gold, and laissez faire et laissez passer [let do and let pass] but as a shining sentinel, hesitate not to ring the bell, defend the gates, and man the wall

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Art Literature Poetry





Art That evokes the presence of and inherent meaning in life.





The Art of Asderathos


~Slide Show Art Galleries Set To Music On You Tube~
Faith Hope and Charity


The Greatest T-Shirt Design of All Time -
Swiping the look of CocaCola who's slogan was Enjoy CocaCola




THE Statue of Liberty



Washington Crossing the Delaware
by Emanuel Leutze - German American (and German again) Artist, painted to inspire Germany to be more like America.

George Washington had his men read from Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" and "American Crisis" pamphlets to boost waning morale before crossing the Delaware.

Benjamin Franklin's Design for the National Seal

"Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

Moses with arms uplifted parting the waters washing away Pharaoh (In crown with sword) A Pillar of Fire in The Clouds


Benjamin Franklin's Political Cartoon








The Tower of Winds



Marcus Tulius Cicero


"Dictionaries not having caught up with colloquial meaning attributed: Propaganda is the illegitimate Govt propagation or funding of self aggrandizing and or empowering ideas, often stealthily, through Artistic Mediums."



Resist Mobilize Transform

An Event Sponsored by Communists did a poor job of hiding it when they used Art reminiscent of Soviet Propaganda.


Govt. Funded N.E.A. Sponsored
Socialized Medicine Propaganda Art


Playboy Caricatures Tea Parties
with the standard asinine imagery In the issue with "Glenn Beck Take Down"

Nancy Pelosi & Co Mock The Civil Rigthts Movement 
& Taunt The Tea Party

Obama is a Community Organizer...


The artist was inspired by the iconic Che poster


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